When it comes to proving your English Language proficiency through IELTS Test, especially in the IELTS Writing module, you would definitely slide in a state of dilemma. Thoughts of failing the exam or not achieving the required score might scare you all the time.
“I am weak with IELTS Writing… What if I fail in my IELTS Exam?”
“Will I be able to achieve my target score?”
These are normal concerns of almost all the IELTS aspirants. And, there are is no magic wand that will fetch you your target score in IELTS Writing until and unless you know the right way.
Well, you don’t need to worry! If you are unaware of the way to achieve your desired score, we have one for you! Our top tips on maximising your IELTS Writing Score will certainly help you succeed.
But before discussing the tips here is a quick look at IELTS Writing module.
IELTS Writing Module varies depending on the type of IELTS Test you are taking – IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training.
IELTS Academic Writing
IELTS Academic Writing test is a 60-minute test wherein you are supposed to complete two tasks.
Task 1: Describe a Graph or Diagram
Task 2: Write an Essay
You need to complete Task 1 in about 150 words while Task 2 in 250 words.
IELTS General Training Writing
Similar to IELTS Academic, IELTS General Training Writing is also a 60-minute test in which you are required to complete two tasks.
Task 1: Write a Letter
Task 2: Write an Essay
You are supposed to write 150 words for Task 1 and 250 words for Task 2.
Both the tasks of IELTS Academic as well as General Training Writing are assessed on the basis of following four criteria: -
- Task Achievement (for Task 1)
- Task Response (for Task 2)
- Coherence & Cohesion
- Lexical Resource
- Grammatical Range & Accuracy
You need to keep all these criteria in mind for your IELTS Writing tasks. Missing out any of them can cost your Score. So, to help you avoid committing any mistakes, here are some tips that would guarantee a score of Band 7+ in your Writing Test.
Analyse the Question properly
One of the most common mistakes that aspirants make is reading the question in a hurry and thus end up with an incomplete answer. Remember, if you don’t answer the question fully, you won’t score high. So first off, you must read and understand the question to identify what the examiner will be looking for in your answer.
Planning is Important
Take some time to plan your letter, report or essay before you start writing. Organize your ideas to ensure that each of your ideas is fully explained with well-supported examples.
Structure of your Essay also plays a vital role in bringing you a High Score. You must write your essay in this format – Introduction, Body Paragraphs (2-3), Conclusion.
Never copy the Question in your Answer
This is again one of those common mistakes that candidates usually make in IELTS Writing Tasks. You should never copy the question in your introduction paragraph. Else those words would be deducted from the total word count and your score will lower. Instead, use paraphrasing i.e. write the question in your own words.
Overlooking the Word Count can lower your Score
A number of words you write an Essay, Letter or a Report are taken into consideration while marking your IELTS Writing Test. You must write 150 words for Task 1 and 250 words for Task 2. Writing fewer words will lower your score.
Quick Tips to practice for IELTS Writing Tasks
- Learn to identify Key Points
- Always write in a Formal Tone
- Do not use Bullet Points
- Use wide range of Vocabulary
- Make correct use of Grammar Structures
- Write your tasks in a format that is easily understandable by the examiners
- Keep a check on Spellings
- Maintain the Word Count
“Practice Makes Perfect”
Practise writing as many essays, letters, and reports as you can before your IELTS Exam. You can even get them marked by certified trainers with the help of Writing Correction Service available on many websites. This will help you identify your mistakes and rectify them. Attempt free IELTS Writing Tests and get them evaluated by experts to ensure that you achieve your desired score in IELTS Test.
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